If you always hesitate to install different software packages on your local system — this blog is for you.

Yes, the best solution to this problem is a cloud based environment.

The cloud computing market is pretty huge but we are going to talk about Google Cloud Platform(GCP), more specifically about Google Cloud Shell.

GCP is a very big deal that’s why we are just focusing on cloud shell for now.

What is Google Cloud Shell ?

Cloud Shell is an online development environment based on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

It runs on a Debian-Based virtual machine, that can be accessed with any browser, it makes it easy to manage your projects and resources without having to install them on your local system.

Basic features of google cloud shell are completely free for any user with a Google account.

Cloud Shell Console

Cloud Shell provides you a console with two main utilities:

1. Cloud Shell Terminal

terminal preview

  • Cloud Shell Terminal is a linux-based command-line tool for accessing your VM instances.

  • It supports multiple terminal sessions and full tmux support.

  • It comes with tonnes of pre-installed tool & google cloud sdk.

  • You have full root privileges on your allocated VM and can even run sudo commands, if you need to.

TIP You can also access the terminal form GCP mobile app(no billing needed)

Download from playstore

2. Cloud Shell Editor

editor preview

  • Cloud Shell Editor has a GUI environment where you can develop, build, debug & deploy your apps and projects

  • It also supports some useful vscode extensions.

  • It has an built-in git client. You can easily preview and commit to your repo.


Online development

Access Cloud Console from any web browser. No need to do anything locally.

Free storage

It comes with free 5GB of persistent storage as $HOME directory.

Pre-installed tools

It comes with many pre-installed tools such as python, java, mysql, nano, vim, emacs, gcloud SDK etc.


All the pre-installed tools always stay up-to-date.

Built-in git client

Cloud Shell Editor has a built-in git client. You can manage your repository and project easily.

Limitations & restrictions

Custom packages

You can only install custom packages in $HOME directory. All the packages outside $HOME directory will lost after an hour of inactivity.

VS code extensions

You can not install any additional vs code extension on cloud shell editor but it comes with all essential extensions.

Private browsing & disabled third-party cookies

You can not use cloud console if you are using private browser or third-party cookies are disabled in your browser

Coin mining & network scanning

Coin mining and network scanning using Cloud Shell are strictly prohibited. If you do such things your account may be disabled forever.

Weekly usage limit

Cloud Shell also has a weekly usage limit. If you reach your usage limit, you’ll have to wait.

Cloud shell inactivity

If you do not access Cloud Shell for 120 days, your home disk will be deleted. You will be informed with email before resetting your $HOME directory.

I’m also a new user of GCP and still struggling to learn its features.